The Mud & Dust Off-Road Wash is a strong spray-and-rinse formula effective on oil, grease and other stubborn grime.
Off-Road Mud and Dust Wash is specially formulated for off-road vehicles that operate in the worst conditions. It breaksthe bond holding that grime and dirt to your vehicle’s finish.The formula is biodegradable with no phosphate or corrosivechemicals and is low foam for easy, quick rinsing. Alsoeffective on oil, grease and other stubborn grime. Safe for useon all surfaces.
Spray the product directly on the surface, leave on for 3 or 4minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. If tough stainpersists, spray the product again and scrub with a cleanmicrofiber cloth, wet cleaning mitt or soft brush and rinseagain.
Never use on hot or warm surfaces. Always test forcompatibility on hidden area before applying to the entiresurface. Do not allow product to dry on any surface.
- If the vehicle is excessively dirty, rinse with plenty of water to remove theexcess.
- For best results, rinse product with hot water to maximize productactivation.
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