Specially formulated for Off-Road vehicles, the Off-Road Foaming Wash produces a rich, thick foam that removes dirt and mud quickly.
Off-Road Foaming Wash is a concentrated formula specificallyfor off-road vehicles that produces a rich, thick foam thatsuspends dirt and mud to dislodge it quickly withoutscratching paint or plastic. Rinses off easily with no depositsleft behind – it’s safe for, and leaves an awesome finish on allcomponents including seats. The pH neutral formula is safefor wax and paint sealants.
Mix 30 ml (1 oz) of cleaner for every 4 L (1 Gallon) of waterused. Foam cannon or gun work best for larger vehicles. Washwith a clean mitt or soft brush and rinse thoroughly withwater.
This product can be used in direct sunlight as long as surfacesare not hot.
- When used in a bucket, make sure to build up a thick foam. The foam iswhere the magic happens!
- Dry with a microfiber cloth or a chamois, you don’t want any hardwaterspots on your clean surfaces.
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